Skills Anticipation and Matching e-Toolkit: how it can help

Spotting trends and drivers for current and future skills requirements lies at the heart of a successful strategy to make education and training responsive to labour market needs.

The e-Toolkit gives practical help in skills anticipation and matching. The tools are based on the ETF-CEDEFOP-ILO methodology laid out in the Guides to Anticipating and Matching Skills and Jobs.


Start learning with this e-Toolkit

Every subject has his own page, and you will find these listed in the table of contents at the right-hand side of this page. Every page follows the same structure:

  • The what and why of the subject – definition and concept
  • Start learning with this mini module – interactive teaser
  • Want to learn more? – a deeper dive into the subject
  • If you really want to know everything... – additional learning
  • Extra resources


Go straight to the mini modules?

The interactive mini modules are part of each page. If you want, you can go straight to the modules by clicking on the modules below. If you want to see how you can use these modules, please watch this video first.




mini module LMIS

mini module employment service providers


mini module employer survey

mini module Tracer Studies


mini module skills forecast

mini module Foresight


mini module sectoral approach

minimodule observatories


Challenge yourself! What do you know?

Test and challenge yourself with the SAM Game before you start using the e-Toolkit. 

Do it again after going through the e-Toolkit – it will be much easier then!

go to the SAM game!