The what and why of Labour Market Information Systems

Labour markets are dynamic and complex. Gathering information on current and future skills needs can support a better matching between training and jobs.

In recent years, having a greater understanding of labour market needs and skills matching has gained importance in the policy agenda of many countries, driven by both rapid technological advances and global competition. Skills matching can help reduce unemployment, particularly among young people. It can also contribute to building a better life for individuals by improving employability, social mobility and inclusion.

Assessing existing skills shortages and gathering forward-looking information on how the labour market and the demand for skills might change is becoming increasingly important. International experience suggests that a comprehensive labour market information system (LMIS) forms the backbone of any education and employment strategy.



Start learning with this mini module

Do you want to work with Labour Market Information Systems? With this mini module you will obtain a clear understanding of what an LMIS is and what the success factors are. 

Duration: 30 minutes


minimodule skills foresight



Want to learn more?

Qualification Needs Anticipation System (SANQ in Portugal):

Matching labour market needs with training provision in the Netherlands:



If you really want to know everything....



Extra resources

We curated relevant resources from a lot of different experts.

Please go to the page with extra resources.