The New Learning Clubs of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators are groups of educators, managers and experts from different countries who work on a specific theme related to learning innovation for a defined period of time. Within the Clubs, participants share their practices and discuss how to improve their teaching approaches learning from each other.

The New Learning Clubs are open to all members of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators who are willing to share their practice and engage in collaborative discussions. The main working language of the Clubs is English.

At the end of its lifecycle, each club will produce an output (a joint curriculum, a video, a report, guidelines, blog posts, etc.), that will be presented to the whole Community through an open webinar.

All participating members will receive Pioneers Open Badges by ETF.

Discover our clubs:

New Learning Club on “Innovative STEAM education”

(START: from April 2024)

In order to increase learners employability through the 4Cs (Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication) as well as to equip them for the digital transition, a key area of work is STEAM, meaning Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. STEAM is a highly innovative field in terms of new pedagogies, new technologies and new institutional approaches, and STEAM-based careers are very effective for meeting the current global challenges.

The participants of this New Learning Club will have the chance to bring their ideas and discuss about topics as stimulating the students' curiosity and enthusiasm in scientific and technological subjects, developing the ability to apply creativity and critical thinking in young people, and improving young people's access to high-quality STEAM education.

Express your interest to join the club here.

  • The Club Kick off meeting took place on 30th April at 14 CEST
  • Catch up meeting: 30th May 
  • Catch up meeting: 3rd July

New Learning Club on "Teaching with Artificial Intelligence" 

(START: from 3rd June 2024)

New AI applications are changing our society, including within education and training settings. How can Artificial Intelligence be integrated into daily teaching?

This New Learning Club  will focus on the adoption of AI solutions by educators and teachers, to try answering some of the hot questions that require attention. Participants will debate on the ways to integrate AI tools safely and effectively in teaching settings, to implement software in school environments and deal with e.g., correct and consistent assessment of students’ work, etc. The Club will allow to share inputs, guidelines, practices, points of view on the topic, as well as to exchange helpful tools to be possibly adopted in teaching and learning.

Express your interest to join the club here.

  • The kick off took place on 3rd June at 14 CEST
  • Register to the Catch-up meeting on 16th of July HERE 

New Learning Club on "Engaging and inclusive teaching methods for upskilling and reskilling of adults" 

(START: from September 2024)

You are teaching adults already. How do to keep learners engaged? How do you engage disadvantaged learners (inclusion aspect)? What is different in terms of pedagogy when working with adults in a classroom and in a company setting? Are there organizational implications like the need for flexible learning offers in terms of time and place (e.g. face-to-face and online)?

The club will, based on the interest of participants, select focal topics and allow for peer exchanges, and sharing of inspirational practice.

The concrete output of the club will be a collection of inspirational practices and tips & tricks in adult learning and education in VET.

Express your interest to join the club here.



To be part of the club you should: 

  • be a member of the Community of Innovative Educators (see here how to freely join)
  • demonstrate practical expertise, by shortly present your teaching practice in the field. 
  • be ready to dedicate 1 hour every month for Club’s collaborative discussions. 
  • be ready to interact, exchange ideas, and further collaborate. 

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