Open Badges are a special type of digital credential that contains verifiable metadata according to a common data format, the Open Badges specifications. Because they follow an open standard, recipients can combine badges from many different sources, create collections, and share them in a verifiable way on the web (on LinkedIN, for example). See more on Open Badges here.

Within the Community of Innovative Educators, three kinds of Open Badges are assigned.

-An INNOVATOR badge, recognising members who use a range of innovative teaching approaches and tools confidently, creatively and critically to enhance their professional activities. This badge is assigned to members who:

  • Submit an innovative teaching practices
  • Participate in the webinars as speakers
  • Create blog posts on OpenSpace


A PIONEER badge, recognising members who lead teaching activities of a particular innovation value, being a source of inspiration for others. This badge is assigned to members who:

  • Are selected for their innovative practices, such as the finalists of the 2022 Award
  • Propose or lead thematic webinars
  • Connect the Community with relevant national and international initiatives

-An AMBASSADOR badge, recognising those members (complete list here) who are appointed by the ETF and commit to the following activities:

  • Promoting the community among educators of their country
  • Be active within webinars and other activities that the community will organize
  • Propose activities that the community could organize in the future.

Members who are part of the above groups will be contacted by the Community team. If you have not been contacted and you would like to retrieve your Open Badge please write to

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