ETF Moderator
Open Space Member • 30 October 2019
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ETF Integrated approach to promote Entrepreneurial learning in Tunisia 2014-2021, has included:

  • At POLICY level

The development of the National Charter for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Learning (2017)

The integration of the Charter into the National Strategy for Entrepreneurship (Pillar 1 – Human Capital) (2017)

Policy Advice supporting development of Entrepreneurial VET Centres (2019-2020)


The production of a Teaching Manual for the Entrepreneurial Project Module (2018)

Teacher training (70 persons) for entrepreneurial learning (T1 / T2 / T3) (2016-2019)

The production of a Practical Guide for Assessment of Entrepreneurial Competences (2019)

  • NETWORKS level

A Call for Tunisian Good Practices in Entrepreneurial Learning (2015)

Five editions of the National Forum of Policy Makers and Practitioners of Entrepreneurial Learning (Annual since 2015)

Relevant documents to promote entrepreneurial learning across the Tunisian VET system (2015-2020):

     1. EntreComp, The European Union Entrepreneurship Competence Framework

     2. EntreComp into action

      3. Pedagogical toolkit for trainers on "The entrepreneurial project" developed under the Tunisian project

      4. Pedagogical toolkit for trainers to assess entrepreneurial competences, developed under the Tunisian project

     5. Supporting VET Centres to become more entrepreneurial, under the Tunisian Project

     Presentation by Alessandro Mele, Cometa, Italy

      Vers le Centre Entreprenant: Un Cadre Conceptuel Tunisien

      Vers le Centre Entreprenant: Outil de Réflexion

     Towards an entrepreneurial centre: reflection tool

     Vers le centre entreprenant: Lignes directrices pour engager les partenaires sociaux et   économiques 

      6. The Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa 2018 Small Business Act (SBA) Report

7. Fora for the development of entrepreneurial learning:   


     Forum 7.0 year 2021

     7th Forum for the development of Entrepreneurial learning | ETF (

     Online Forum 6.0 year 2020:

     Forum 6.0 pour le Développement de l’Esprit Entrepreneurial 18 novembre 2020

     Forum 5.0 year 2019:

     Towards an entrepreneurial training centre | Open Space (




In July 2023 ETF published The key competence lighthouse: Partnering for a more entrepreneurial Tunisia. The publication shares take-offs from the work led by ETF in the past seven years in Tunisia for the development of entrepreneurship key competence and entrepreneurial spirit and culture within the VET system, focusing on uncovering the potential of educators supported by the strong national partnership in Tunisia.

The manuscript is available in English and in a short version in French (see attachments)


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