The Digital Needs Analysis for Teachers Tool (DNATT) helps teachers to self-assess their digital competences but also to assess their training needs, their use of digital technologies and their experiences of relevant CPD.  The tool builds upon the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) that defines 22 digital competences organised in 6 Areas.  DNATT was developed and piloted by ETF in partnership with ERI SEE, EU’s JRC and the national authorities and 123 schools of Albania, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia and Serbia.

At national level samples were designed so that the survey provides a representative picture of national needs that can be analysed by school type.  At school level, the tool was piloted in two schools per country to understand how it can fit in with school-based professional development.

Below you can find the following documents that summarise the findings from the pilot:

Copies of the questionnaires in national languages are annexed to the reports.

If you would like to make use of the tool within the EU SurveyTool please get in touch.

Feedback and comments on the reports are encouraged.



Comments (2)

Xavier Matheu de Cortada
Open Space Member

If you want to see the policy framework, you can follow:
Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) - Communication :…
and the Commission Staff Working Document…, with a section (5.1.2) on Digital capacity in educational institutions across the EU and another (5.13) on Educators’ digital competence

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