Pour le français, ouvrez le document en pièce jointe (attachment) 

Информацию на русском смотрите в приложении

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ETF is organising the webinar Vocational Learning at a Distance: Supporting Vocational Teachers under the Lock Down” on Tuesday 26 May from 10.30 to 12.00 (CET). The webinar is part of ETF COVID-19 response initiative “Support and Training for Teachers & Trainers”, a series of actions launched by the ETF in order to support education in this challenging time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Save the date for our multilingual webinar to learn from experts in the field and ask questions.

More info

This multi-lingual webinar will share good practice on how to train and support teachers and trainers to sustain vocational education during the shut down and in its aftermath. There will be a focus on how to extend the number of teachers that are able to provide distance learning.  The webinar will show how ministries, agencies, schools in different countries have, in a matter of weeks, found ways to support and upskill teachers so that they have been able to transform their teaching.

Representatives from Ministries, Training Agencies, Networks and schools in Partner Countries (PC) and Member States (MS) will describe the blend of approaches they have used and what they have done in the following areas:

  • Providing on-line training for teachers
  • Providing guidance and resources
  • Monitoring the participation of teachers and learners in distance learning
  • Help lines and support for teachers
  • Collaborative development of distance teaching materials
  • Addressing isolation and well-being of teachers
  • Sharing of approaches and materials
  • Helping to reach all learners
  • Coordination of different actors and organisations

Webinar speakers from many countries will share remarkable stories of how teachers have been able to meet the challenge of CoVid19 and to explain the training, the collaboration and the coordination that has made this possible. 

There will be opportunities for participants to raise questions and contribute.

See the full AGENDA in the attachment.

Practical information

The Webinar will be held using VoiceBoxer with simultaneous translation in four languages: English, French, Russian and Arabic.

Note that we only have 250 places, participation is on a “first come, first served” basis. You need to register following the steps below.

The EN version of the webinar will be broadcasted on ETF YouTube page

English speakers are encouraged to follow the webinar on YouTube (here). This will allow larger participation on RU, FR, AR speakers through VoiceBoxer.

If you experience any difficulties in joining the webinar in Voiceboxer, it might be because 250 participants are already connected. In this case follow the English streaming n YouTube.

Для участия в вебинаре рекомендуем зарегистрироваться как можно раньше, так как доступно всего 250 мест, по ссылке: https://portal.voiceboxer.com/events/7jfbuc/register . Заполните свою информацию (имя, организация и адрес электронной почты) и нажмите «Зарегистрироваться». Если у вас нет учетной записи на платформе VoiceBoxer, сначала вы получите учетные данные по электронной почте. После этого войдите со своими учетными данными на странице регистрации, и вы будете зарегистрированы на вебинар. Если у вас уже есть учетная запись на платформе VoiceBoxer, вам будет предложено войти, чтобы завершить процесс регистрации. После регистрации вы получите уведомление по электронной почте от noreply@voiceboxer.com с инструкциями о том, как подключиться к вебинару.

Nous vous recommandons de vous inscrire immédiatement ici («premier arrivé, premier servi»), car seulement 250 places sont disponibles: https://portal.voiceboxer.com/events/7jfbuc/register. Remplissez les informations recquises (nom, organisation et adresse e-mail) et cliquez sur «s'inscrire». Si vous ne possédez pas de compte VoiceBoxer, vous recevrez vos informations d'identification par e-mail. Connectez-vous avec votre identifiant sur la page d'inscription et vous serez inscrit. Si vous avez déjà un compte VoiceBoxer, il vous sera demandé de vous s’inscrire pour terminer le processus d'inscription. Une fois inscrit, vous recevrez une notification par e-mail, envoyée par noreply@voiceboxer.com, avec des instructions pour rejoindre l'événement le 26 mai a 10h30.


You can follow all ETF COVID-19 response actions on  ETF Open Space (https://openspace.etf.europa.eu/) where you can find background documents, resources and blogs.

We are looking forward to meeting you online on 26 May! 


The webinar will be recorded. By participating in the webinar you accept that the event is being recorded and the recording can be further disseminated. 


CHECK IT OUT THE OUTCOME OF THE WEBINAR AT https://openspace.etf.europa.eu/pages/etf-webinar-vocational-learning-distance-supporting-vocational-teachers-under-lock-down


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