The ETF Quality Assurance Forum has organised a webinar dedicated to quality assurance in continuing vocational training, on 19 November. The webinar was held in English and French. 

The ETF experience in quality assurance suggests that most QA systems are targeting initial vocational and education training, while continuing vocational training is partially covered. Through this webinar, we have shared the experience of some ETF QA forum members in quality assuring continuing vocational training and bring a European perspective about that.  Experts from Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Tunisia and the EU have shared their experiences and perspectives.

Materials of the webinar

Presentations & EQAVET report (uploaded at the bottom of the page)

- Quality assurance in CVET: experience of Moldova, by Stela Guvir, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research

- Quality assurance in CVET: experience of Montenegro, by Ivan Marković, Centre for Vocational Education and Training

- Quality assurance in CVET: experience of Tunisia, by Adel Lakhal and Sami Romdhani, National Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Promotion

- Quality assurance in CVET: an EU perspective, by Anette Curth, EQAVET Secretariat

- EQAVET Synthesis report on 'Peer Learning Activity on Quality Assurance in continuing vocational education and training (CVET)'

Recording of the webinar in English and French:

ETF Quality Assurance Forum 

The ETF QA Forum is a transnational collaboration initiative between national institutions with VET quality assurance mandates in ETF’s partner countries. The aim of the Forum is to support member countries to modernise and improve quality assurance in VET. For additional information about the Forum, please contact the ETF senior expert, Mounir Baati, at

Webinars of the ETF Quality Assurance Forum

Since early 2020 the Forum has organised a series of webinars - recordings and materials can be downloaded below:

- on self-assessment of schools (LINK),

- on graduate tracking (LINK),  

- on peer visits as external evaluation tool (LINK),

- on assessment of teachers’ and trainers’ performance (LINK),

- on work-based learning (LINK),


Comments (3)

Nadezda Solodjankina
Open Space Member

Dear colleagues, we have just uploaded the report of the Webinar on quality assurance of continuing vocational education and training - check it out !
The issue of QA in CVET is gaining more and more importance as it becomes vital to provide people with access to quality training throughout life.
The recent Commission proposal for Council recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts highlights the issue of providing a selection of trustworthy, quality assured training opportunities to all working age adults.

Siria Taurelli
Open Space Member

Thanks for the useful summary report, and for the webinar material. QA in CVET is crucial, notably in the light of the current up-skilling and re-skilling policies, which aim at engaging high numbers of (young and less young) adults in learning.
QA arrangements should take the different angles into consideration - the learners, providers, labour market representatives - for all stakeholders to benefit from a set of common standards.

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