ETF Webinar on graduate tracking

Moroccan traineesAfter the 1st webinar in June on self-assessment of schools (LINK), the ETF Quality Assurance Forum held a webinar on graduate tracking on 1 October 2020 . Experiences and practices of Morocco and the Netherlands were presented by colleagues from Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of Morocco; Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy of Morocco; OFPPT (Morocco) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands.


Why graduate tracking ?

Understanding of the performance of VET graduates in the labour market is one of the key sources for assessing and improving the quality and labour market relevance of VET. In 2017 the European Council issued the Recommendation on tracking graduates. It stresses the need to improve the availability and quality of data about the activities of graduates in order to both understand the causes of graduate employability problems in particular regions, economic sectors or for graduates from particular education and training disciplines, and to identify solutions for those employability problems.

It also recommends broad dissemination and exploitation of the results of graduate tracking analysis in order to improve career guidance, updating of curricula, skills matching, and planning & forecasting of employment and educational needs.Moroccan trainees

How and whether graduate tracking data is used varies between countries. The different approaches vary between some VET providers using surveys to get learner feedback, and those countries where there is a national system based on administrative data covering every student/learner.


Materials of the webinar


Webinar report

The highlights of the webinar are outlined in the report attached at the bottom of the page.


Recording in English: 


Recording in French: 

Presentations (uploaded at the bottom of the page):

Rkia El Mahmoudi, Vocational Training Department, Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of Morocco* 

- Moulay Mustapha TAHIRI EL ALAOUI, Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy of Morocco*

- Zaineb HACHIMI IDRISSI, OFPPT , Agency for vocational training and work promotion, Morocco*

- Herman Scholten, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands

- Eva Jansova, ETF, Specialist in Human Capital Development


* Presentations of Moroccan representatives are available as a unique file, in English and in French, 



QA Forum ETF Quality Assurance Forum 

The ETF QA Forum is a transnational collaboration initiative between national institutions with VET quality assurance mandates in ETF’s partner countries. The aim of the Forum is to support member countries to modernise and improve quality assurance in VET. For additional information about the Forum, please contact the ETF senior expert, Mounir Baati, at



Comments (6)

Nadezda Solodjankina
Open Space Member

Dear colleagues, we are happy to share the recordings and the content of the webinar ! During the webinar we had a lively discussion and many questions from participants. The time was limited for answering all of them, but we are happy to continue the discussion HERE on Open Space ! We are inviting our speakers, Rkia, Mustapha, Zaineb, Herman to re-join the discussion, to answer the following questions:

Nadezda Solodjankina
Open Space Member

2157 Interviews were used as a means for collecting the information, but how did you reach the graduates that left the country and settled abroad? Who/ which institution covers all the costs?

Open Space Member

Dear colleagues in response to the question asked during our webinar on the follow-up of the integration of vocational training graduates, please find the following answers for the case of Morocco.
the answers are in both French and English languages

How do you think Covid 19 will affect the process, especially since tourism has been hit hard ?

All economic activities have been affected, to varying degrees; this will inexorably influence the integration indicators. there will therefore be job losses in addition to the influence on the integration rate of young people.
I think that our future surveys, especially those launched just after the pandemic, must assess the influence of this crisis on the integration of our laureates and make an analysis of the impact of this health crisis on the rate of employability of our winners.

Interviews were used as a means for collecting the information, but how did you reach the graduates that left the country and settled abroad? Who/ which institution covers all the costs?

In general, for the graduates selected in the survey sample for whom it is not possible to have a direct interview after three visits by the interviewer, their parents / family members are questioned whether they have a good knowledge of the course followed by their children.
It should be noted that we also have a reserve sample that allows us to achieve a required response rate of interviewees that meets the criteria of international representativeness.

En français
Comment pensez-vous que Covid 19 affectera le processus, d'autant plus que le tourisme a été durement touché ?

Toutes les activités économiques ont été touchées, à des degrés disparates ; cela va inexorablement influencer les indicateurs d’insertion. il y’aura par conséquent des pertes d’emploi en plus de l’influence sur le taux d’insertion des jeunes.
Je pense que nos enquêtes futures, surtout celles lancées juste après la pandémie, se doivent d’évaluer l’influence de cette crise sur l’insertion de nos lauréats et faire une analyse de l’impact de cette crise sanitaire sur le taux d’employabilité de nos lauréats.

Les entretiens ont été utilisés pour collecter les informations, mais comment avez-vous atteint les diplômés qui ont quitté le pays et se sont installés à l’étranger ? Qui / quelle institution prend en charge tous les frais ?

D’une manière générale, pour les lauréats retenus dans l’échantillon d’enquêtes pour lesquels on n’arrive pas à avoir d’entretien directe après trois passages de l’enquêteur, on questionne leurs parents / membres de famille si ces derniers ont une bonne connaissance du cursus suivi par leurs enfants.
Il convient de signaler que nous disposons aussi d’un échantillon de réserve qui nous permet d’atteindre un taux de réponse requis d’interviewés qui réponde aux critères de représentativités internationale.

Open Space Member

Dear colleagues
following our webinar organized on the first of October to follow up on the insertion of the laureates of vocational training
and to complete the sharing with you on the MOROCCO experience
Please find in the attached file the questionnaires that are used in the survey 9 months after graduation, 36 months after graduation and the questionnaire for employers' opinion
the documents are in french

Open Space Member

Dear colleagues
following our webinar organized on the first of October to follow up on the insertion of the laureates of vocational training
and to complete the sharing with you on the MOROCCO experience
Please find in the attached file the questionnaires that are used in the survey 9 months after graduation, 36 months after graduation and the questionnaire for employers' opinion
the documents are in french

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