In order to understand better the needs and ambitions of its members, the ETF’s Network for Excellence (ENE) has developed the ENE Self-Assessment Tool (ENESAT). 

The tool enables Network members to establish a baseline for their own development in relation to the performance and achievements of other centres of vocational excellence in the Network. Centres of vocational excellence (CoVEs) can establish their priorities and actions based on their own aims and environments but also taking into account what other CoVEs – nationally and internationally - have achieved.  CoVEs can also use the tool to review their progress over time.   

The ENE self-assessment tool (ENESAT) was designed by ETF taking into account other frameworks for vocational excellence, self-assessment tools and research.  The draft tool was critically reviewed by ETF and external experts and tested and reviewed by CoVEs in EU Member States and in ETF’s partner countries.  The indicators have  been translated into French and Russian.   

The tool was launched with seven dimensions comprising 120 indicators.  In 2022 it is planned to introduce an additional dimension to address inclusion and equity. In the meanwhile, ENE is developing other tools and instruments that support, in greater detail, the development of particular dimensions, for example, work-based learning and entrepreneurship.  

Currently the dimensions are: 

A.      Education-business cooperation  

B.      Pedagogy and professional development  

C.      Autonomy, institutional improvement and resources  

D.      Lifelong learning in VET 

E.       Smart specialisation – mobilising innovation, ecosystems and SMEs  

F.       Industry 4.0 and digitalisation  

G.  Going green – supporting sustainable goals   

In each Dimension, an additional section has been created relating to Leadership and Coordination.  The ENE aims to support both the development and the transmission of excellence.  This section particularly addresses transmission and sharing. 

We are currently preparing the ENESAT tool for a second cycle of re-assessments.  CoVEs that carried out a self-assessment more than 18 months ago will be invited to re-assess in order to judge their progress.  The revised tool - which will also contain additional modules relating to Entrepreneurship, Careers Education and Guidance and Social Inclusion and Equity - will be piloted shortly.  It is planned that the second cycle will commence from June 2022.

For further information, please click on ETF website at the following pages: 

English version: 

Russian version: 

French version:…

Link to a related blogs:

Exploring Vocational Education | Open Space (

Self-assessing for Vocational Excellence | Open Space (



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