ETF will shortly be publishing an analysis of  the  self-assessment process that has been carried out by members of the ETF’s Network for Excellence (ENE).  Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) that participated in the self-assessment have already received individual feedback. The analysis  reveals which dimensions of excellence were judged to be relevant and which dimensions were assessed to be most fully achieved.  The self-assessment exercise invited CoVEs to examine their performance in relation to seven dimensions:

A.    : Education-business collaboration and cooperation 

B.    Pedagogy and professional development 

C.    Autonomy, institutional improvement and resources 

D.    Lifelong learning in VET

E.    Skills for Smart specialisation – mobilising innovation, ecosystems and SMEs 

F.    Industry 4.0 and digitalisation 

G.    Going green – supporting sustainable goals 

CoVEs  were asked to review not only their own performance but also the extent to which they are providing leadership and coordination in relation to other centres and partners. 

Attached below is the questionnaire that was used for the self-assessment.


Comments (1)

Lida Kita
Open Space Member

Thank you Julian and looking also forward to the assessment of technology and innovation role on skills for inclusion. Well done to the ENE team and the participating ENE members.

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