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The interactive mapping instrument of quality indicators has been developed as part of the ETF Forum for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training. Its main function is to collect basic information on the understanding, coverage, usage and data collection characteristics of ten quality indicators. The selection of the indicators follows the recommendations of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQARF). The recommended set of indicators aims to be used for quality improvement of vocational education and training and to target different aspects of the vocational education system, i.e. inputs, process, outputs, outcomes and context.


This instrument can be used beyond the ETF forum and may help to stimulate discussions in ETF partner countries (and beyond) about the quality-related data and how they can inform the education system.



Comments (14)

Mounir Baati
Open Space Member

Dear Sabina, Vitaly and Eniola
if it happens and you decide to test the tool, do not hesitate to share with us your experience and findings. We are available to organise a "mini webinar" to further discuss the tool and its usage.

Eduarda Castel Branco
Open Space Member

112 good morning! I would like to know more on the tool. Could we have a mini Webinar with colleagues of the African Union to present the tool? And a question: how do you see QA mechanisms / policies adapt to the new learning reality and support distance and online learning? This is a question of interest for NQFs. Thanks for your reply, suggestions. Send me an email. Merci beaucoup! Bien a toi.

Mounir Baati
Open Space Member

Ciao Eduarda
Yes, definitely, we can organise a webinar to present the tool.
As for your second question about how QA mechanisms and policies can adapt to new learning reality, I would refer to the ETF definition of QA. For the ETF, QA is about the "the composite measures established to verify that processes and procedures are in place to ensure VET quality" (ETF definition). Distance and online learning are processes that need to monitored (verified) either through indicators or other measures (peer review). we simply need to know how these processes work, what do they deliver, etc..
I have to say that the 10 EQAVET indicators used in the mapping can hardly inform about distance and online learning, and are far from being able to capture this new reality. They were designed more than a decade ago when online learning was not a reality.
Do we need new QA mechanisms/policies/measures to capture this new learning modalities? YES

Sabina Adilova
Open Space Member

Dear colleagues,
I am reading CEDEFOP Handbook of QA, so it is very very practice and have lots of sample about mechanism and strategic management.

Nino Kopaleishvili
Open Space Member

Dear Colleagues, the tool seems to really focus on key indicators and looks like a good framework to implement in different contexts. Would be good to learn about the experiences of its implementation, thanks

Mounir Baati
Open Space Member

Dear Nino
Thank you for you interest on the tool.
The tool was designed to support the work of the ETF forum on QA in VET.
It was run on 2 phases: a first one looked at a) the understanding, b) relevance, c) usage for quality assurance, and d) coverage of quality assurance indicators within the national contexts and the second phase looked at the coverage and data collection characteristics.
One of the main issues raised by the forum members who implemented the tool was related to the access to information related to some specific indicators. For instance, do we collect data on "Total amount of funds annually invested per teacher and trainer in teachers’ and trainers’ further education and training" (indicator 2b)? and if so where to get them?
The forum members found out that the questions on data collection characteristics are quite difficult to address: such as data collection method, target group, regularity of data collection, whether data are analysed and published, etc..

Abdi Kurt
Open Space Member

As a person very willing to become an QA expert in VET and having made several steps on the way, mapping EQAVET indicators document is really of help. thanks a lot. Besides, as Ms Adilova mentioned, CEDEFOP Handbook of QA is also very good guideway and inspritional.

Mounir Baati
Open Space Member

Hi Victor
Thank you for your interest on the tool. The data collected are not meant to be shared, they belong to the countries and reflect the situation in a given country at the time when the mapping was carried out. One should keep in mind that the mapping is not about collecting data on the indicators themselves but on the processes supporting data collection and usage. The mapping does not look at the unemployment rate (indicator 7) for instance in terms of value but whether the country uses it (or a proxy), whether data related to that indicator are being collected, processed, published, used to update qualifications for example, etc..

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