Where are you?

This is the ETF's SELFIE home page, where you can find and exchange information on the SELFIE tool and its implementation in ETF partner countries.


What is SELFIE?

If you landed on this page you probably already know it. 

Yet, let us briefly recall what it is about: SELFIE is a free, multilingual online tool designed to guide primary, secondary general and vocational schools in a self-reflection process on their progress towards comprehensive integration and effective deployment of digital technologies into teaching, learning and student assessment.

For each school using SELFIE, it gathers – anonymously – the views of students, teachers and school leaders on how technology is used in their school, highlighting what is working well, where improvement is needed and what the priorities should be. For VET schools offering work-based learning, SELFIE gather the views of in-companytrainers. 

SELFIE has been launched in October 2018  to boost digital skills and competence in the European Union and partner countries. In April 2021 it reached over 1 million users in over 75 countries!


What does ETF do in relation to SELFIE?

As part of the project Create New Learning, ETF supports the development and the system-wide implementation of SELFIE in partner countries. On this, ETF works in close collaboration with the European Commission and in particular with its Joint Research Centre.


Key resources:

- Guide for National Stakeholders: it explains how the SELFIE tool can be scaled-up and integrated in national education and training systems

Scaling up and integrating the SELFIE tool for schools’ digital capacity in education and training systems | ETF (europa.eu)

- Guide for school coordinators: it  explains how the SELFIE tool can be set up and used in a school

SELFIE guide for school coordinators | Education and Training (europa.eu)

SELFIE Pedagogical Innovation Assistant Toolkit (SELFIE PTK): it provides step-by-step guidelines for reviewing SELFIE results and setting priorities and goals, developing a SELFIE-based action plan, implementing and evaluating that plan.


Where can I find more information on the SELFIE tool?

SELFIE | Education and Training (europa.eu)

SELFIE Newsletter: 

March 2023

June 2022

February 2022

October 2021

June 2021

February 2021


Are you a school interested in taking part?

Find out more about how you can run SELFIE in your school:

Registration procedure | Education and Training (europa.eu)

Leave your comments in Open Space and engage in further dialogue with ETF and other practitioners around the globe!


Are you curious about SELFIE? You can read some interesting stories or recent developments and look into experiences from ETF partner countries..

It’s time to up-take the SELFIE tool at system level, a methodology is now available! | Open Space (europa.eu)

Selfie machine album - Benefits4People Conference | Open Space (europa.eu)

SELFIE – Time to scale it up! | Open Space (europa.eu)

SELFIE WBL almost ready to go live! | Open Space (europa.eu)

#SELFIE_EU comes to Work Based Learning | Open Space (europa.eu)

#SELFIE_EU for Work-Based Learning: the pilot. A closer look at three ETF partner countries | Open Space (europa.eu)


Are you a national stakeholder in ETF PC interested to pilot SELFIE?

Contact ETF: alessandro.brolpito@etf.europa.eu 


Comments (1)

Panagiotis Kampylis
Open Space Member

Fancy to learn how schools can improve their digital capacity using SELFIE tool? Follow the free 4-week #SELFIEPTKMOOC we developed in the context of SHERPA ErasmusPlus Project
You will learn how school communitities:
➡️ can orchestrate a collective reflection on their digital capacity through #SELFIE_EU tool
➡️ can utilise the SELFIE Pedagogical Toolkit (https://selfieptk.eu) to translate the results from the collective reflection to an innovation action plan
➡️ can implement and monitor the impact of their action plan

The course is running from the 1st to the 28th of November and you can join us through https://lnkd.in/eyCqNtXZ.

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