Florian Kadletz
Open Space Member

#ETF runs a workshop at the forthcoming #EPALE community conference 2023 on boosting #green and #digital skills for adults - check out the programme and join us: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/epale-community-conference-2023-bloo…

link to the workshop: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/boosting-green-and-digital-skills-ad…

Maria Lvova-Zolotarevskaya
Open Space Member

Good morning from Torino, skills enthusiasts!
Today is a great day for #skills development:
European Commissioner for Jobs and Social rights, Nicolas Schmit, has joined us at the European Training Foundation for fruitful discussions.
During the visit, ETF Director Pilvi Torsti will engage with him in discussions focusing on:
✅Boosting #learning opportunities in EU neighbouring countries;
✅Promoting the recognition of #qualifications;
✅The significance of skills for the digital and #...

Maria Lvova-Zolotarevskaya
Open Space Member

🟢Do you want to take part in #COP27 ?

The ETF, together with the International Labour Organization, will be speaking at COP27 about the skills and #competences needed to make the green transition a reality.

✅ Do you want to ask a question? Make your voice heard!
👉Write in the comments section below and tell us what you want to ask the experts about the #skills needed to ensure a #green and just #transition.

❗️We will pick the most interesting questions to be answered during...

ETF Moderator
Open Space Member

Dear Open Spacers,
If you'd like to take part in the international conference “Building lifelong learning systems: #skills for #green & #inclusive societies in the #digital era” that will take place online on 21-25 June 2021 and you'd like to follow the conference in Russian or French, please register here:

For French language: https://europa.eu/!bv74BBV
For Russian language: https://europa.eu/!qX86gPD

We look forward to meet you all at the conference!

ETF Moderator
Open Space Member

❓ Are you a teacher working to develop environmental awareness in your pupils?
❓ Do you work in a company that developed specific training for its staff on how to become more green?
❓ Are you a representative of a public body that decided to develop some activities in order to develop green skills?

➡️ Then this could be your opportunity🏆: https://europa.eu/!Kq99Jq

✅ Apply, win a prize and become famous for your initiative on #green #skills!

ETF Moderator
Open Space Member

Dear Open Spacers,
🟢 The future is green!
How are you supporting the #green transition through #education or training? 🌍
Whether you are an educator, school, learner, enterprise, public or private provider we want to hear your story!

We are seeking examples of innovative approaches to skills development supporting the green transition and #Skills4future.

❗️Deadline: 15/03/2021 ❗️

#Skills4Change #Skills4Life

✅ Share you experience and apply now: https://www.etf.europa.eu/...

Siria Taurelli
Open Space Member

"Time to deliver: a fair, green and digital recovery" is the motto of #Portugal's Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) from 1 January to 30 June 2021.

The programme of the Presidency has 3 major priorities:
+ Promoting a European recovery boosted by the #green and #digital transitions
+ Delivering the European Union’s #SocialPillar as a key element for
ensuring a fair and inclusive green and digital transition
+ Strengthening the strategic autonomy of a Europe th...