Maria Lvova-Zolotarevskaya
Open Space Member

🤝 Today the ETF underscored its commitment to Central Asia with the signing of the DARYA agreement - Dialogue and Action for Resourceful Youth in Central Asia.

DARYA will help young people in #Kazakhstan, #Kyrgyzstan, #Tajikistan, #Turkmenistan and #Uzbekistan to:

👉 gain access to better quality #education and training
👉 benefit from inclusive training and #employment systems
👉 develop key skills relevant to the labour market

This far-reaching, five year programme will...

ETF Moderator
Open Space Member

🎙️Listen to the new episode of our #podcast #SkillsFactory: "Learning lessons from the past: Soviet heritage in education and training" 🎙️
What was positive and what was negative in it? And what can we learn from the past?

🎧 363 and 1006 speak about different pathways of reforming education systems in the post-soviet countries: from #Estonia to #Uzbekistan, from #Armenia to #Belarus.

🔴Available on all streaming platforms:!ywJPcU

#Skills4Change #Learn4life...