Alessandro Brolpito
Open Space Member

For 141, 914 2125, 2204 and me, today an early start @6:30 for the opening of the online event to present key findings of the mapping of Digital Skills and Competences (DSC) and Digital and Online Learning (DOL) in #Azerbaijan, with active role of the EUD, State VET agency and a presentation delveired by the ETF national expert 162.

More than 60 participants including a wide range of VET national stakeholders and donors are part of the audience;

Participants #now start a breakout group...

ETF Moderator
Open Space Member

➡️ Want to know more about education and training in Eastern Europe?
What is #Torino Process and what role does it play for the reforms of education and training in this region?
Don't miss the live conversation with `363 from European Training Foundation about the state of play of the #skills development in #Armenia, #Azerbaijan, #Belarus, #Georgia, #Moldova and #Ukraine!

👉🏻 Tomorrow at 11.00 in English:

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