The event was organised by the European Training Foundation (ETF), the International Council of Open and Distance Education (ICDE), and UNESCO UNEVOC. 

About the event

The objective of the webinar was to build capacity of VET leaders and practitioners on the use of Open Educational Resources (OER), as a way to increase the innovation potential and inclusion of their educational offer. OER are  teaching and learning materials intentionally released with open licenses, that give users the right to own, share, and in most cases, modify them. Within Higher Education, the use of OER has shown the potential to reduce accessibility barriers and at the same time to support co-creation practices, but in the VET sector the use of these approaches is still limited.

During the webinar, the concept of OER was introduced and exemplified through some successful practices of VET schools that are using OER in their daily work, followed by a discussion on how to further promote the use of such resources in TVET. 

The use of OER in enhancing AI literacy and competence was also highlighted, along with the challenges faced by educators in adopting them and the solutions implemented by various organizations.

Here below the recording:


15:00 Welcome and Introduction to the webinar, Fabio Nascimbeni, ETF

15:05 Open Educational Resources: a smart approach for inclusion and innovation, Lisa Petrides, ISKME and ICDE

15:30 Cases of high-impact OER use within VET

16: 00 Existing OER support tools for VET practitioners and leaders

16:20 Ideas and questions collection for future work

16:30 Closing


Speakers bios

Mary Gu is a librarian with the eCampusOntario Open Library. In this role, Mary is responsible for library websites, repository, and helps deliver programs and services to the library's diverse users. Mary has worked in special libraries and academic libraries. She is experienced in providing reference and research services to diverse users and special libraries. Mary has wide-ranging professional interests in topics including scholarly communications, the intersection of privacy and technology, and all areas of open education.

Ulf-Daniel Ehlers is the founder of, a serial entrepreneur of social enterprises, and a full Professor for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). In 2011, the Ministry of Higher Education entrusted him with spearheading the launch of Germany’s first Cooperative University as Vice-President, a groundbreaking initiative that today educates 35,000 students. His innovative spirit led him to establish NextEducation in 2017, an international boutique-research group dedicated to Future Skills, Microcredentials, and digital transformation in higher education ( Additionally he held the position of Scientific Director at the Future Learning Laboratory at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) until 2023. Ulf has captivated audiences in more than 45 countries with his keynote speeches. He is a prolific author and editor, contributing to over 18 books and 300 scholarly articles, amassing over 7,500 academic citations. As a trained systemic coach, facilitator, and expert in mindful and non-violent communication, Ulf holds degrees in English Language, Social Sciences, and Education Sciences from the University of Bielefeld. His internationally awarded writings on quality in education continue to influence and inspire.
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