Within ETF Network of Excellence, the new initiative on going green "GREENING RESPONSES TO EXCELLENCE THROUGH THEMATIC ACTIONS- (GRETA) was launched on 7 December 2021 from 9,00 to 13.00 CET.

17 CoVEs from 8 different countries were invited and the respective ENE country contact points. The participating centres are from:  Armenia (1), Georgia (1), Latvia (1), Serbia (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (2), Turkey (3) and Ukraine (7). 

The expectations on Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) are high in providing greening responses and in becoming more sustainable institutions, where school management, career guidance, curricula development, teachers and trainer’s professional update and work based learning are key thematic actions to take into consideration.  

CoVEs have also to prove strong capacities for cooperating effectively with other public institutions, as well as with the private sector for boosting green development.  

The purpose of the Kick off meeting was to:  

  • Present GRETA team and update of GRETA work packages.  

  • Establish a peer learning community between participating CoVEs. 

  • Prepare peer learning reviews among CoVEs. 

The European Training Foundation (ETF) cooperates with the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) on the implementation of GRETA.

See the link to the blog published on ETF website: https://europa.eu/!9DwFpF 

In attachment, you will find the agenda, the slides presented during the meeting and an index, permitting you to identify the slides you would like to consult.



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