On 15th September 2021, ETF, together with the support of the contractor Cardet from Cyprus, launched the kick-off meeting on "PROMOTING ENTREPRENEURIAL CENTRES OF VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE", which is an initiative under ETF ENE project.

The main objective of this initiative, which will last until 2023, is to support the establishment and facilitation of a Partnership in the thematic area of Entrepreneurial Centers of Vocational Excellence (Entrepreneurial CoVEs) and entrepreneurship excellence as a key competence from a life-long learning perspective. The initiative builds on the Tunisia case, which followed an integrated approach, providing support to policy making, curricula development and formative assessment, governance, and management at TVET center level and practitioners’ networking. English is the working language of the project.

The Centres of excellence involved so far are from Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Georgia, Moldova and Spain.

The project is based on knowledge sharing, participation, and cooperation among CoVEs. Peer learning activities will be the basis to share good practices, experiences, and ideas and to learn together. 

For more information, please see the enclosed documents.

For IES Arca Real, Spain please see the link to the following blog: Entrepreneurship at IES Arca Real: EntreComp into action | Open Space (europa.eu)


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