The in-presence conference on 9 and 10 November aimed at sharing and discussing with the participants the results of the EU-funded project The international Dimension of Centres of Vocational Excellence” implemented by the ETF and outcomes of the work of the ENE thematic initiatives, with a focus on Entrepreneurial CoVEs and Digitalisation of teaching and learning.

The conference had a particular focus on international sharing and collaboration – it brought together representatives from CoVEs and policy makers from the ETF partner countries, partners from the EU and beyond.

The conference focused on four streams of development work:

  1. Tools to support development and recognition

The EC Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion tasked the ETF to develop a digital self-assessment tool that would facilitate a shared understanding of vocational excellence and would help VET providers to self-assess and to collaborate to achieve and extend their vocational excellence.  This tool, ISATCOVE, has been developed and is currently being piloted.  Alongside the tool, the ETF has developed a proposal for two labels that will recognise a commitment to work towards vocational excellence and the achievement of vocational excellence in a CoVE.  

  1. Research – Case Studies

CoVEs are acting as pathfinders for the digital and green transitions.  ETF has conducted research that shows how CoVEs are leading the transition and also how through applied research they are making a bridge between training and future employment. Three case studies will be presented and participants will be able to interrogate leading CoVEs.

  1. Partnerships for developing vocational excellence

Over the last 2 years international partnerships of CoVEs have been working together as part of the ENE Network to share good practices and develop new approaches to some of the key challenges confronting VET providers. The focus was made on certain areas, in particular, digital transition, Entrepreneurial CoVEs and coordinating role of CoVEs.

Some examples of how ENE work contributed to development of vocational excellence in the ETF partner countries was shared, in particular, Moldova, where ETF supported strengthening leadership and coordinating role of CoVEs in skills development in respective sectors.

  1. Future opportunities – becoming a CoVE, collaborating with CoVEs, learning about CoVEs

The ETF, the CoVEs and networks involved in this initiative are committed to further collaboration over the next 18 months.  During this session, representatives from VET Associations, ETF, the EU set out opportunities for VET providers to deepen and extend their engagement with CoVEs.  This included opportunities to:

  • pilot the self-assessment tools and labels
  • exchange examples of good practice
  • participate in webinars to familiarise themselves with up-to-date solutions to challenges facing CoVEs
  • network and build partnerships with like-minded VET providers to create projects, exchanges or cooperation
  • participate in training as an assessor or mentor to support VET providers to self-assess or to gain recognition for excellence

Participants of the Conference included representatives of the VET providers engaged in the above work, members of the Consultation panel which has been advising ETF team throughout the project and validating its results, EC services and departments and EU agencies working on the topic of vocational excellence.

The Conference was organised in presence but giving opportunity for wider audience to follow the streaming on YouTube on 9th November, while on 10th November is available the recording.


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