One of the strategic priorities identified in National Strategy on Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan is establishing education infrastructure which provides modern lifelong education. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan implements policy actions for enhancing application of modern and innovative education technologies in all levels of education. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan expressed its clear interest to pilot SELFIE. The Bureau on ICT for Education under the Ministry of Education was selected as the coordinator organization for this exercise.

The first SELFIE pilot was launched in May 2021 in 12 schools in Azerbaijan to enable the school's self-assessment and further strategic planning of digital transformation accordingly. Outcomes of piloting will be analysed to formulate recommendations how SELFIE tool could be scaled up and integrated in the national education system.

SELFIE is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to support the innovative use of digital technologies in teaching and learning in primary, secondary general and vocational schools, and digital competences of learners. SELFIE guides schools in a self-reflection process involving school leaders, teachers and students on how they could integrate and effectively use digital technologies for teaching, learning and student assessments. The SELFIE questionnaire explores six areas, namely leadership, infrastructure and equipment, continuing professional development, teaching and learning, assessment practices and the digital competence of students.

Results are collected in a paper-free, interactive report. At system level, SELFIE offers, through anonymous, aggregated data, an overview of the digital readiness of the school system in Azerbaijan.

Meeting documents and recording of the kick-off of the SELFIE pilot are available SELFIE Pilot Kick Off in Azerbaijan | Open Space ( and SELFIE kick off meeting in Azerbaijan | ETF (

The findings and recommendations of the pilot have been discussed on 28 September 2021 in the dissemination event. At this link you can find the report and all relevant documents PILOT OF SELFIE IN AZERBAIJAN PRELIMINARY FINDINGS DISSEMINATION ONLINE EVENT | Open Space (

Read the blog of the SELFIE flight to Azerbaijan:

Flight no. SELFIE AZ-21 | Open Space (

A second SELFIE pilot was successfully developed in 2022. Discover more about it in this blog A new milestone in the SELFIE Azerbaijan journey | Open Space ( and consult the full report in English and Azerbaijan available as attachment in the additional information section. 



Comments (2)

Alessandro Brolpito
Open Space Member

I have been impressed by the commitment and ambitious demonstrated by national policymakers and system shapers' to develop quality digital education in Azerbaijan. As of 2023 Azerbaijan will continue the SELFIE journey as part of a project financed by the Ministry of Science and Education. I can't list here all experts and policymakers met in 2022, in Baku, but in the name of all of them I would like to express to Vafa Yagublu, Head of Department of content, teaching and assessment in general education at the Ministry of Science and Education for the progress achieved and future developments.

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