Active Labour Market Policies, labour market transition and skills development in the context of recovery
Dynamic socio-economic contexts and disruptive phenomena such as one in a century pandemic require robust policy and institutional frameworks that enable positive labour market transitions, tackle efficiently the risks of social exclusion and foster adaptable and resilient workforce. Skills are at the core of these efforts.
Why do we focus on active labour market policies?
The global economic contractions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have hit all the countries and sectors, although the impact vary across them. Institutional and financial capacities of the countries to recover, boost economies and support individuals also differ to a great extent. A protracted recovery of less advanced economies is a major risk in the post-Covid-19 context, leading to deeper inequalities. Timely and informed decisions on policy changes and interventions targeting those most exposed may help avoid such risks and enable individuals to take advantage of new opportunities created by the digitalisation and greening of the economies
The current situation induces new sectoral dynamics requiring a change in career paths, reskilling and upskilling for people already unemployed and those at risk of losing jobs. New approaches to active labour market policies and programmes may need adjustments to fit current and forthcoming socio-economic conditions.
Active Labour Market Policies and Employment Service Providers (public and non-public) are instrumental in assisting jobseekers and workers to manage career change and reinforce the economic restructuring in recovery phase and in response to digital and green transitions.
What do we do?
Our work on Active Labour Market Policies, labour market transitions and skills development in the recovery context is guided by the following objectives:
• Mapping existing interventions in the countries, e.g. adjustments to active labour market programmes (within the wider approach to active labour market policies), workers’ and company support measures, economic incentives, labour market trends and socio-economic context.
• Identifying those most in need to adapt, enhance, upgrade their skill sets.
• Reflecting on Active Labour Market Policies' effectiveness and Public Employment Services' capacity to deal with the effects of the crisis and help recovery
• Spotting innovation potential of employment services and delivery modes of activation programmes.
• Sharing innovative practices from countries, promoting knowledge sharing and encouraging peer learning and discussions.
What can you do?
Share with us your experiences, research, innovative practices and ideas for possible solutions!
Join our online discussions and webinars!
The first one COVIDIMPACT-HACKSKILLS took place on 27 October 2020 and a continuation ACT ON SKILLS took place on 10-11 December 2020.
You can find relevant documents from the two events here.
The third webinar FOSTERING INNOVATION AND IMPACTFUL ACTIONS FOR RECOVERY took place on 28 April 2021.
Recent developments in 2021
The European Training Foundation (ETF) continues the series of learning exchanges between countries to encourage transfers of knowledge and expertise and stimulate innovation in the field of ALMPs with particular focus on skills development implications.
The cross-country event taking place on 28 October 2021, will prioritize three topics that are relevant for building an inclusive recovery path and enhancing the efficiency and relevance of activation and (re)skilling programmes:
- New forms of employment and broader labour market flexibilization: policy implications for activation and reskilling
- Gender aspects of recovery efforts: addressing the new emerging gender divide of Covid-19 crisis
- Labour market and skills information systems: how to capture changing socio-economic context in the design of ALMPs
More information about the event are available at the link:
We are welcoming you at the event!
It's very interesting
You can find all resources from the online event FOSTERING INNOVATION AND IMPACTFULL ACTIONS FOR RECOVERY held on 28 April 2021, on the event page above.
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